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(* italian)

 A public "Love Difference" installation unveiled in Bologna on October 7th 2008.

In Strasbourg, June 25th-26th 2008, the conference "Intercultural Dialogue: utopias and situations" *

17th April 2008: in Cittadellarte Gianluca Solera presents his book "Muri, lacrime e za'tar" *

 "Love Difference Ice-Cream and Pastries as cultural passports" event, La Spezia, February 22-24 2008

 July 2007: Cross-border tour

 Roundtable Cyprus: art rebuilding society, Cittadellarte, 25th February 2006

 Workshop Methods in Bologna, 27th - 29th January 2006

 The Unrecognized project by Tal Adler on show in Hulon (Israel)

 Love Difference awarded with the Evens Prize 2005

 Dinner event with Gualtiero Marchesi and Slow Food

 Love Difference ad Arles *

 Arte al Centro 2004 *

 Unidee Donna 2004 *

 Love Difference all'Armory Show di New York *

 Minimum Prize 2003 *

 Unidee in Progress 2003 *

 Love Difference al Muhka di Antwerpen *

 Love Difference alla 50. Biennale di Venezia *

 Arte al Centro 2003 *

 Michelangelo Pistoletto incontra gli studenti a Novara *