LDN Love Difference News #57   11-30-2006

2nd Culture.mondo International Roundtable: a report from Dubrovnik roundtable
In cooperation with Culture.mondo, an informal network of cultural portal experts based in Canada, Culturelink co-organized an international round table entitled 'Cultural Portals: A New Era of Cooperation'. The round table was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 20-22 October 2006.
Some 50 participants attended the event and represented over 40 cultural portals from all parts of the world: from Europe and the USA to Canada, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Australia. This diversity enabled a productive exchange of experiences and vibrant discussions. The cultural portals represented at the event can be roughly divided into two main groups: those aimed at wider audiences with a general interest in culture, and others targeting specific user groups like artists and cultural professionals (i.e. portals which are managed by cultural networks). The event served as a platform for the presentation of specific portals and discussions on various aspects of the main topic, ranging, among others, from new Web 2.0 technologies to virtual cultural networks, virtual international cultural cooperation and the measuring of success through an evaluation of portal activities. The event's agenda reflected the complexity of the operational contexts of cultural portals.
The complete report is now online at: www.culturelink.org

Seconda tavola rotonda internazionale di Culture.mondo: rapporto da Dubrovnik>>>

Patterns Istanbul: un progetto e un workshop di Bernardo Giorgi e Cinzia Cozzi in collaborazione con Love Difference: Istanbul, 4-9 dicembre 2006>>>
Patterns Istanbul: a project and a workshop by Bernardo Giorgi e Cinzia Cozzi in collaboration with Love Difference: Istanbul, 4-9 December 2006 >>>

Q2Q: a Venezia Ane Lan e Daniele Del Pozzo presentano la nuova fase del progetto sulle identità sessuali. Giovedì 30 novembre, Galleria A+A >>>
Q2Q: Ane Lan and Daniele Del Pozzo present in Venice a new part of the project on sexual identities. On Thursday 30th of November, at Galleria A+A >>>

Geografia emozionale: un convegno a Milano per presentare la teoria di Giuliana Bruno. Il 1° dicembre a Superstudiopiù>>>
Emotional Geography: a meeting in Milan to present Giuliana Bruno’s theory. Superstudiopiù – Milan, on the 1st of December 2006>>>

Festival dei Popoli: la 47^ edizione della rassegna internazionale del film-documentario a Firenze dal 1° al 7 dicembre >>>
Festival dei Popoli 47th edition: Florence, 1-7 December 2006>>>

Due proposte di formazione in Italia: Master on line in Economia della cultura; Master in Progettazione e gestione dei modelli culturali innovativi di sviluppo del territorio >>>
Two Master Courses in Italy: on line Master Course in the Economics of Culture, and Master Course in Designing Advanced Cultural Models for Heritage Development >>>

Promemoria: prorogato al 10 dicembre 2006 il termine per le iscrizioni al Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il Sociale a Viterbo >>>
Reminder: on December 10th the new deadline for submissions at the Master in Creative and Ethical Communications in Viterbo (Italy) >>>

Furla, Cittadellarte e Love Difference ancora una volta insieme: martedì 12 dicembre si presenta a Milano la nuova shopping bag dedicata a Love Difference >>>
Furla, Cittadellarte and Love Difference together again: on 12 December presentation of the new Love Difference shopping bag in Milan >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic