LDN Love Difference News #10   24-02-2005

The taste of money: Masai Art Factory’s first competition for contemporary art
MASAI Italia banishes the first national competition of Contemporary Art MASAI ART FACTORY 2005: Honey Money? the taste of money. The competition aims to instigate a thought process regarding humans’ relationship with money, in all its facets and from all perspectives. Entrants are free to choose what to say and how to say it.
The Committee will individualise, among the introduced proposals, a selection of works that will be exhibited in the show MASAI Art FACTORY 2005. The exhibition will be held at the space Assab One in Milan from the 25th of May to the 11th of June 2005. A prize of Euro 6.000 will be attributed to the artist judged more deserving. A special mention will be attributed to the more interesting work: the author of the work will win an one month stay at the residence for artists Couvent des Récollets - Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art - Paris.
The competition is open to all artistic expressions and is addressed at young Italian artists or Italian residents aged between 18 and 35 year old. Deadline for submissions: 22 April 2005.


Il gusto dei soldi: aperte le iscrizioni al concorso di arte contemporanea Masai Art Factory >>>

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LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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