LDN Love Difference News #65   04-05-2007

UNIDEE in residence 2007: deadline for applications April 16th 2007. Among the scholarship grants available, 1 Snait grant for Israeli artists
Unidee in Residence is an international program open to artists, professionals, students and graduates of various university faculties from any country in the world. It will take place in Cittadellarte, Biella (Italy), from July 2nd to October 31st 2007. The course in residency include an active participation in meetings and seminars hold by experts and professors of various humanistic, scientific, economic, political, artistic and social disciplines. Unidee offers a research-oriented practice that operates within each discipline and is directed towards the responsible transformation of society and the creative activation. The Unidee programs are directed by Michelangelo Pistoletto.
Applicants are invited to send any material they consider pertinent to such an assessment: curriculum, documentation of previous work, one or more examples of projects that illustrate their approach to the theme of a socially responsible transformation. Deadline for applications: April 16th 2007. Among the available scholarship grants (total and partial cover), 1 SNAIT grant for an Israeli artist.
Further information: unidee@cittadellarte.it          www.cittadellarte.it/unidee

Iscrizioni aperte fino al 16 aprile per UNIDEE in residence. Tra le borse di studio, 1 borsa Snait per artisti israeliani >>>

Imprenditoria ed educazione nella vita culturale: la 15^ Conferenza Encatc si terrà in Svezia dal 31 maggio. Iscrizioni fino al 30 aprile 2007>>>
Entrepreneurship and Education in Cultural Life: 15th Encatc conference to be held in Sweden. Registration deadline: 30 April 2007 >>>

Notizie dal futuro del libro: Premio Mediterraneo di Cultura ad Ala Al-Aswani>>>
News from the future of the book: the Mediterranean Prize for Culture awarded to Ala Al-Aswani>>>

Bandita la dodicesima edizione del Premio Internazionale del Documentario e del Reportage Mediterraneo. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 3 giugno 2007 >>>
MCA: International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary & Reportage. Deadline for submissions: June 3rd 2007>>>

La cultura delle emergenze: riproposto a Milano il progetto “artexvino=acqua" >>>
The culture of emergencies: “artexvino=acqua” (art x wine = water) presented in Milan >>>

Re-thinking Beirut: un ciclo di incontri dedicati alla cultura libanese contemporanea, a Milanofino al 13 maggio >>>
Re-thinking Beirut: a series of conferences and art events in Milan, until May 13th 2007 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic