LDN Love Difference News #65   04-05-2007

Entrepreneurship and Education in Cultural Life: 15th Encatc conference to be held in Sweden. Registration deadline: 30 April 2007
The 15th International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Education in Cultural Life will be placed in Göteborg, Sweden, on May 31 to June 3 2007. Encatc is the European network of institutions and professionals involved in training and education in the broad field of cultural management. Founded in 1992 in Poland, this independent and unique network gathers 133 members and operates through 40 countries. The mission of Encatc is to stimulate and encourage the development of cultural management & policy within the context of great changes in the fields of culture, arts and media.
The 2007 Encatc conference will focus on entrepreneurship, culture, and education, from the perspective of the active in the field in West Sweden. The conference aim to provide an opportunity for the exchange of experience and knowledge between people who are actively involved in cultural life from all of Europe; to offer cultural organizations the chance to meet new partners and cooperations; to advance the frontier of knowledge within the field of culture and entrepreneurship; to share the spirit of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge that characterizes West Sweden, where there are several examples of initiatives that started from a “bottom up” perspective and which are internationally well known. The conference is open to members of Encatc and to any organisation in Europe interested in the issues discussed. Registration deadline: 30 April 2007.

Imprenditoria ed educazione nella vita culturale: la 15^ Conferenza Encatc si terrà in Svezia dal 31 maggio. Iscrizioni fino al 30 aprile 2007>>>

Notizie dal futuro del libro: Premio Mediterraneo di Cultura ad Ala Al-Aswani>>>
News from the future of the book: the Mediterranean Prize for Culture awarded to Ala Al-Aswani>>>

Bandita la dodicesima edizione del Premio Internazionale del Documentario e del Reportage Mediterraneo. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 3 giugno 2007 >>>
MCA: International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary & Reportage. Deadline for submissions: June 3rd 2007>>>

Iscrizioni aperte fino al 16 aprile per UNIDEE in residence. Tra le borse di studio, 1 borsa Snait per artisti israeliani >>>
UNIDEE in residence 2007: deadline for applications April 16th 2007. Among the scholarship grants available, 1 Snait grant for Israeli artists >>>

La cultura delle emergenze: riproposto a Milano il progetto “artexvino=acqua" >>>
The culture of emergencies: “artexvino=acqua” (art x wine = water) presented in Milan >>>

Re-thinking Beirut: un ciclo di incontri dedicati alla cultura libanese contemporanea, a Milanofino al 13 maggio >>>
Re-thinking Beirut: a series of conferences and art events in Milan, until May 13th 2007 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic