LDN Love Difference News #47   15-06-2006

Multiethnic School: a meeting at Culture Factory – ENI Enrico Mattei Foundation in Turin on Monday, June 19
The Culture Factory Project of the ENI Enrico Mattei Foundation was born to offer new technologies not easily accessible or not well-known to university students. This gives birth to the five Multimedia Libraries which offer, in addition to free access to Internet, other educational and information services. The Culture Factory Project offers free access to a variety of services in its five centres (Genoa, Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice). The centres are all supplied with computer rooms, study rooms, and there is a computer science tutor during the opening hours. The services include: access to the latest printed and electronic resources (software with Internet links and printers); access to study rooms; access to elementary computer courses and to other courses of interest to university students; access to a variety of cultural events on different topics, such as the presentation of books, theatrical performance, debates, discussions about European Culture; organisation of meetings, seminars and conferences.
Culture Factory base in Turin, within the cycle of conferences Borders: the multi-cultural city, organizes the meeting “The Multiethnic School. Foreigners students asking for citizenship”: Monday the 19yh of June 2006, 3 p.m.

La scuola multietnica: lunedì 19 giugno alla Culture Factory – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei di Torino un incontro per il ciclo “Confini: la città multiculturale”>>>

Arte al Centro di una Trasformazione Sociale Responsabile 2006: il gioco. Inaugura il 23-24-25 giugno 2006 la IX edizione della rassegna di Cittadellarte>>>
Art at the Centre of a Responsible Social Transformation 2006: game. The ninth edition of Cittadellarte’s art event opens on June 23-24-25 >>>

Jana International Film Festival per Bambini e Ragazzi (Libano): giovani ai margini creano film. Scadenza per la partecipazione: 15 luglio 2006 >>>
Jana International Film Festival for Children & Youth (Lebanon): Youth on the Margin Create Films. Deadline for applications: July 15 2006 >>>

LabforCulture: un nuovo sito interattivo della European Foundation per artisti e operatori culturali >>>
LabforCulture: a new interactive website by the European Foundation for all those involved in culture and art >>>

Radioartemobile e SoundArtMuseum al Sonambiente Festival 2006 di Berlino. Dal 1 giugno al 16 luglio 2006 >>>
Radioartemobile e SoundArtMuseum in Berlin at Sonambiente Festival 2006. From June 1 to July 16 2006 >>>

Cinemadisvolta: il potere. Dal 15 giugno al 14 settembre gli appuntamenti del giovedì con il cinema a Cittadellarte >>>
Turning-point cinema: Power. From June 15 to September 14, every Thursday at the cinema at Cittadellarte >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic