LDN Love Difference News #22   28-07-2005

Dialogue among cultures: published the background document of Rabat Conference to foster intercultural dialogue
A broad-based expert-level “Conference on Fostering Dialogue among Cultures and Civilisations through Concrete and Sustained Initiatives” was held in Rabat, Morocco, from 14 to 16 June 2005. Convened by six co-sponsoring organisations - UNESCO, OIC, ISESCO, ALECSO, the Danish Centre for Culture and Development and the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures – and with the participation of the Council of Europe as observer, this event represented a unique international partnership initiative. It is aimed at identifying concrete and practical steps in various domains - based on a dialogue among civilisations, cultures and peoples - that the participating organisations pledged to pursue, jointly or individually, from 2006 onwards. The Conference was attended by some 100 participants from more than 30 countries.
The Conference conducted its work in three separate workshops dedicated to concrete proposals for intercultural dialogue in the areas of education, culture as well as communication and science. The participants welcomed the background document prepared by the Steering Committee; the participants in the Conference also urged the General Assembly of the United Nations, in the outcome document to be adopted at its High-level Meeting scheduled to be held from 14 to 16 September 2005, to give full recognition to the conceptual and practical lead role performed by UNESCO and the other partner organisations in promoting the dialogue among civilisations, cultures and peoples and in bringing about practical results through education, science, culture and communications and to reaffirm UNESCO’s continued lead role in this respect.

Il dialogo tra le culture: pubblicato il documento programmatico della conferenza di Rabat per incrementare il dialogo interculturale >>>

L’importanza dell’Arte e dei Media per la società civile: presentazione dell’esperienza di Love Difference alla conferenza di Berlino il 15 e 16 Agosto >>>
The Importance of Art and Media for Civil Society: the experience of Love Difference to be presented at Berlin conference, 15-16 August >>>

Sei tavoli Love Difference come mensa delle culture: a Modena dal 16 settembre la mostra “Michelangelo Pistoletto e Cittadellarte” nell’ambito di festivalfilosofia >>>
Six Love Difference tables as table for cultures: in Modena from September 16 the exhibition “Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte” >>>

XXVII Festival Internazionale del Cinema Mediterraneo di Montpellier: scade il 31 agosto il termine per inviare materiale e iscrizioni >>>
Mediterranean International Film Festival in Montpellier (France): submission deadline on August 31, 2005 >>>

“Alleanze in movimento”: la conferenza di Global Alliance a Parigi il 12 e 13 settembre 2005 >>>
“Partnerships on the Move”: Global Alliance conference in Paris, 12-13 September 2005>>>

Crocevia di sguardi: dal 15 settembre un ciclo di proiezioni ed incontri a Torino, sulle rotte dei migranti >>>
Cross-roads eyes: from September 15 in Turin, a survey of films and meetings on migration roads >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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