LDN Love Difference News #22   28-07-2005

The Importance of Art and Media for Civil Society: the experience of Love Difference to be presented at Berlin conference, 15-16 August
Interfaces between art/media and civil society under the conditions of a globalized world: this is the core of the discussions programmed at the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, on the 15-16 August, for the conference The Importance of Art and Media for Civil Society:a dialogue about experiences from Germany and the Arab world. The conference is part of the project “Living-Globality” of the Heinrich Boell Foundation, aiming at creating a network of journalists, scientists and artists from Europe and Arab countries around the Mediterranean. As a result, new forms of exchanging ideas and cooperation – adjusted to the conditions of a globalized world – will be explored at the interfaces of art, media and civil society.
The conference has been divided into four panel discussions: The Power of Images – the Sociopolitical Potential of Art and Media; Culture and Media in the Arab World; New Formats of Cultural Journalism in Germany. Filippo Fabbrica, Love Difference project manager, will introduce the Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean politic in the fourth panel: Art focussing on changes in civil society - about the situation in Germany and the Arab Mediterranean.

L’importanza dell’Arte e dei Media per la società civile: presentazione dell’esperienza di Love Difference alla conferenza di Berlino il 15 e 16 Agosto>>>

Sei tavoli Love Difference come mensa delle culture: a Modena dal 16 settembre la mostra “Michelangelo Pistoletto e Cittadellarte” nell’ambito di festivalfilosofia >>>
Six Love Difference tables as table for cultures: in Modena from September 16 the exhibition “Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte” >>>

XXVII Festival Internazionale del Cinema Mediterraneo di Montpellier: scade il 31 agosto il termine per inviare materiale e iscrizioni >>>
Mediterranean International Film Festival in Montpellier (France): submission deadline on August 31, 2005 >>>

“Alleanze in movimento”: la conferenza di Global Alliance a Parigi il 12 e 13 settembre 2005 >>>
“Partnerships on the Move”: Global Alliance conference in Paris, 12-13 September 2005>>>

Il dialogo tra le culture: pubblicato il documento programmatico della conferenza di Rabat per incrementare il dialogo interculturale >>>
Dialogue among cultures: published the background document of Rabat Conference to foster intercultural dialogue >>>

Crocevia di sguardi: dal 15 settembre un ciclo di proiezioni ed incontri a Torino, sulle rotte dei migranti >>>
Cross-roads eyes: from September 15 in Turin, a survey of films and meetings on migration roads >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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