
"We believe that the manual action of doing is a sharing tool that generates a feeling of community among people"

Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia, Russia; 1-17 August 2013

Love Difference carried out an experiential workshop, designed and coordinated by Emanuela Baldi and Filippo Fabbrica, lasting six days. The participants were a group of women aged 14 to 76 years, which meant a trip down memory lane was woven to create a carpet for the community. The work created became part of the contemporary art museum of the city, an asset in the public collection.


The participants went on a journey back in time, through a conscious exploration of the past, thanks to a series of experiences fostered by the co-creation methodology of the “artway of thinking”.
Through the co-creation technique, the group wrote a common history using wire as ink, to express on a page that which took the form of a mat for the community. A rug that defines a space, making it comfortable and cosy, a place to sit, lie down or dance. A place of encounter, exchange and magical stories.


“We believe that the manual action of doing is a sharing tool that generates a feeling of community among people. We embrace the principle that every creation is a reflection of its creator. We developed the project from this point of view: I am the yardstick by which I measure reality”.


“We wanted to give value to individual historical identity in a plurality of individuals that constitute a unique and harmonious community with all its differences, through a process of sharing experiences, emotions, ideas and insights. People are relational beings, historical and creative. Our sense is considered an element of awareness that can lead us towards freedom of expression and choice”.


Албегова Кристина (Albegova Kristina), Багаури Дзерасса (Bagauri Dzerassa), Вайгунас Алика (Vaigunas Alika), Габуева Рита (Gabueva Rita), Годжиева Рита (Godzhieva Rita), Джагаева Анастасия (Dzhagaeva Anastasia), Дзалаева Диана (Dzalaeva Diana), Заруцкая Дарина (Zarutzkaya Darina), Касаева Оксана (Kasaeva Oxana), Кертанова Ася (Kertanova Asia), Колесникова Стелла (Kolesnikova Stella), Ирина Косик (Irina Kosik), Кохарь Рада (Kokhar Rada), Кочиева Ирина (Kochieva Irina), Кудзиева Амина (Kudzieva Amina), Макиева Инна (Makieva Inna), Матарова Земфира (Matarova Zemfira), Остаева Ангелина (Ostaeva Angelina), Торчинова Альбина (Torchinova Albina), Хекилаева Лариса (Khekilaeva Larisa), Хугаева Оксана (Khugaeva Oxana), Цораева Елизавета (Tsoraeva Elizaveta)

Photos by Inna Makieva, Kazbek Tedeev, Alika Vaigunas e Elena Jetere.






Love Difference – Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic
via Serralunga, 27 – 13900 – Biella – Italy
email info@lovedifference.org

Love Difference - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic