LDN Love Difference News #7 13-01-2005

Love Difference cooking: comparing cultural identities in the kitchen. Recepies from la cafeteria in Cittadellarte, by Francesco
Kalalù. African onomatopoeic dish, with possible magical origins. Ideal for those who are deeply in love, it combines meat and fish. To be devoured together with icy French champagne.
Ingredients for two: beef 150 gr., lamb 150 gr., pork 150 gr., half a chicken, grey 100 gr., chopped tomatoes 100 gr., spinach 100 gr., half a teaspoon of paprika, palm oil 1 dl., salt.
You must cook the dish as you were struck by a mad love (amor fou): chop meats in pieces end put in a pan with the shrimps, tomatoes, spinach. Add salt, paprika, and oil. Cover with water, and cook for 4 hours. The dish is ready when chicken start to come off bones. Serve with icy champagne and make love afterwords. Love difference. Vaguely taken from M. Vàzquez Montalbàn, Ricette Immorali, Milan 2003..

Further information: cafeteria@cittadellarte.it

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette da la cafeteria di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>

Love Difference lancia l’open call 2005: progetti artistici per una rete mediterranea culturale da presentare entro l’11 marzo >>>
Love Difference publishes 2005 open call: artistic projects for a Mediterranean cultural network to be presented by March 11th >>>

Love Difference e Fondazione Pistoletto ad Arte Fiera: dal 27 al 31 gennaio a Bologna, appuntamento al padiglione 21 - stand 39 >>>
Love Difference and Fondazione Pistoletto at Arte Fiera in Bologna: January 27-31, hall 21 - stand 39 >>>

Istanbul su Istanbul: in preparazione la 9^ Biennale Internazionale. Call for projects >>>
Istanbul on Istanbul: the 9th International Biennial. Call for projects >>>

“Cosmopolis 1 Microcosmos X Macrocosmos”, la nuova Biennale dei Balcani a Salonicco fino al 13 Febbraio >>>
“Cosmopolis 1 Microcosmos X Macrocosmos”, the new Balkan Biennial, in Thessaloniki until February 13 >>>

Aspettando il Forum Sociale Mediterraneo di Barcellona: Assemblea preparatoria a Marsiglia dal 14 al 16 Gennaio >>>
Waiting for the Mediterranean Social Forum in Barcellona: preparatory Assembly in Marseilles, 14-16 January 2005>>>

Scuole multi-etniche: storie di (im)prevedibile (in)successo in Kosovo e Israele >>>
Multi-ethnic schools: stories of (un)predictable (un)success in Kosovo and Israeli >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic

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