LDN Love Difference News #73   07-19-2007

Your postcard to Love Difference
LDN goes on holiday until September, when, on the 6th, we'll be back with LDN#74. In the meanwhile we ask the readers to send digital postcards of their travels, images representing values supported by Love Difference. >>>
Technical instructions:.jpg format, max. 300 Kilobytes.
Send them to news@lovedifference.org; we'll publish them on our website.

Well, before enjoying the holiday season, some more news...

The LDN staff

Una cartolina per Love Difference>>>

Il tavolo Love Difference di Michelangelo Pistoletto al Museo d'Arte di Tel Aviv, dal 19 luglio al 6 ottobre 2007 >>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto's Love Difference Table at Tel Aviv Museum of Art. From 19 July until 6 October, 2007>>>

Bando di partecipazione al Corso di Gestione di Spazi Artistici Indipendenti. Scadenza per le domande di iscrizione: 1 settembre 2007 >>>
Call for training: Independent Creative Art Spaces Leadership. Application deadline: 1 September 2007>>>

Un contributo di idee alla “Carta Arcobaleno del Dialogo Interculturale”. Scadenza per presentare le proposte: 22 agosto 2007 >>>
Call for contributions to feed into the "Rainbow Paper on Intercultural Dialogue": deadline 22 August 2007>>>

Lettura per l'estate: “Non è cosa”, di Franco La Cecla, Luca Vitone >>>
Summer reading: “Non è cosa” by Franco La Cecla and Luca Vitone >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic