LDN Love Difference News #62   02-22-2007

Young researchers around the Mediterranean: call for papers for Tarragona meeting. Deadline for submissions: March 1st 2007
The meeting of young researchers around the Mediterranean that will take place in Tarragona on 3-4 of May 2007 aims to be a meeting space for young researchers from different nationalities, with the objective to create a space of knowledge, joint reflection and interchange of experiences around the Mediterranean. It is organised by the Jiser Reflexion Mediterrànies in cooperation with the Cátedra Unesco pel diàleg intercultural a la Mediterrània, IEMed and IDAES.
Objectives of the meeting are: promoting mobility, dialogue and joint reflection between professionals of different Mediterranean countries; creating a space to present the research works; establishing international common reflection networks; stimulating scientific knowledge generation through the publication of meeting debates; initiating a process enhancing meetings among young researchers, in both shores of the Mediterranean.
Papers should reflect upon the meeting main subjects: socio-cultural contexte: production of knowledge and appicability of sciences; globalization, governability and exchanges North - South; Mediterranean space and intercultural dialogue; development, cooperation and economic changes.
Deadline for papers submission: March 1st 2007; participants who present a paper are eligible for a scholarship.

Giovani ricercatori del Mediterraneo: call for paper per l’incontro di Terragona. Termine per la presentazione degli articoli: 1 marzo 2007>>>

Designing Politics - the Politics of Design: bando di partecipazione al programma 2007 di IFG Ulm. Scadenza per le iscrizioni: 31 marzo 2007>>>
Designing Politics - the Politics of Design: call for entries at IFG Ulm 2007 programme. Deadline for application: March 31st 2007>>>

Nuovi musei: uno strumento efficace di coesione sociale e sviluppo locale. Un seminario internazionale a Parigi, il 12 e 13 marzo >>>
New Museums: an efficient tool for social cohesion and local development. An international seminar in Paris, 12-13 March 2007>>>

The disappearance of public space: al Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Belgrado fino al 14 marzo una mostra che analizza l’incontro tra arte e media. In mostra Europoly, di Dejan Kaludjerovic >>>
The Disappearance of Public Space: until 14 March 2007 an exhibition on arts and the media at Belgrade Museum of Contemporary Art. Europoly by Dejan Kaludjerovic on show >>>

Absolute Beginners: a Isola Art Center quattro artisti dell’Albania e del Kosovo. A Milano dal 15 marzo al 5 aprile>>>
Absolute Beginners: four artists from Albania and Kosovo at Isola Art Center in Milan, from March 15 until April 5, 2007 >>>

Cambiamenti: possibilità e sfide. Una conferenza su musica e futuro a Barcellona, dal 19 al 21 aprile. Iscrizioni fino al 1 marzo 2007 >>>
Changes: Chances and Challenges. A conference on Music and Future in Barcelona, 19 to 21 April 2007. Registrations until March 1st 2007 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic