LDN Love Difference News #54   19-10-2006

Cittadellarte at Interacciò ’06 - Community Cultural Policies. Barcelona, 24 - 27 October 2006
The biennial Interacció returns, as ever, with the aim of being a space of meeting and reflection for politicians and cultural managers working in the local sphere. In this eighth meeting, special attention will be paid to the idea of proximity related to cultural policies, dealing directly with a series of specific facilities and programmes which have the district-territory as their space of reference. Within this broad range two different options emerge: to pursue social invigoration or to bring the arts closer to the citizen.
The basic Interacció ’06 programme is structured into five thematic fields to allow the recognition of cultural distances and the analysis of contemporary cultural connectors. The five areas take the form of plenary roundtables, project presentations and initiatives of proximity.
On the 27th of October at 12 a.m. Fabrizio Stoppa (Cittadellarte – Communications Office) will bring the experience of Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto within the area of discussion “Containers for the community”, coordinated by Jude Bloomfield..

Cittadellarte a Interacciò' 06 - politiche culturali della Comunità. Barcellona, dal 24 al 27 ottobre 2006>>>

Il progetto Europoly prosegue il suo tour in Europa: Amsterdam e Venezia le prossime tappe>>>
Europoly project on tour in Europe: next stops Amsterdam and Venice >>>

Wherever We Go - Ovunque andiamo: Arte, identità, cultura in transito: a Milano fino al 28 gennaio una mostra che affronta i temi della dislocazione e della stratificazione culturale >>>
Wherever We Go: Art, identity, culture in transit. Until the 28th of January 2007 an exhibition facing breakup and cultural stratification >>>

Promemoria: al 10 novembre 2006 il termine per le iscrizioni al Master in Comunicazione Creativa ed Etica per il Sociale a Viterbo >>>
Reminder: on November 10th the deadline for submissions at the Master in Creative and Ethical Communications in Viterbo (Italy) >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic