LDN Love Difference News #50   27-07-2006

Love Difference at Momiano Art Festival in Croatia, 4-8 August 2006
Early in August Marta Tolomelli, Love Difference projects responsible, will present Love Difference’s projects at Visura Aperta festival in Croatia. Visura Aperta is a project involving young international artists in a festival of contemporary art (4-8 August) situated in Momian, on the border of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy.
The idea of the festival is to develop interactions between multifarious art practices and the cultural and social reality specific to the area. The question of open boundaries in different media is translated to that of cultural difference and co habitation (through the use of different materials, disciplines and forms, and interactions with the physical and social environment, the architecture, the city squares , the surrounding countryside).
The festival includes a short workshop/residency Labaratorio where artists are invited to explore ways of relating their practice formally to the social and cultural context of the environment – the problems of insularity and communication, marginalisation and centralisation, issues of compromise, flexibility and openness within social structures. Labaratorio is an opportunity for artists with their own very specific backgrounds and traditions to involve themselves and respond to the microlocality of a different environment. The works produced in the Labaratorio are the result of this reaction to a particular difference. The aim of the Labaratorio is to encourage new forms of practice and experience of difference.

Love Difference al Festival di Arte Contemporanea di Momiano (Croazia), 4-8 agosto 2006>>>

“Giovani messaggeri di dialogo tra le culture”: un premio della Fondazione Euro-mediterranea Anna Lindh. Iscrizioni entro il 31 agosto >>>
“Youth messengers for dialogue between cultures”: a prize awarded by the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation. Deadline for participation: 31 August >>>

Premio Innovact per l’imprenditoria giovanile: iscrizioni entro il 1 settembre 2006 >>>
European Young Entrepreneurs Awards Innovact: deadline for applications September 1, 2006 >>>

Concorso internazionale di sceneggiatura Nisi Masa: iscrizioni entro il 31 luglio 2006 >>>
Nisi Masa short film script contest: application deadline 31 July 2006 >>>

Lavori in corso: il progetto “Passatempo” del Gruppo Love Difference di Milano >>>
“Pastime project” by Love Difference Office in Milan >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic