LDN Love Difference News #48   30-06-2006

Moving Homes: an exhibition on contemporary nomadism at Sfeir-Semler gallery in Beirut, from the 6th of July
The Sfeir-Semler Gallery in Beirut presents Moving Home(s), an exhibition on contemporary strategies in touristic practices, on globalism with a focus on contemporary nomadism, on the colonialisation of the world through tourism, on carrying homes around the world.
Artists on display: Atelier Van Lieshout, Balthasar Burkhard, Diller + Scofidio, Jimmie Durham, Dan Graham, Bernard Khoury, Stephan Moersch, Peter Piller, Ursula Schulz-Dornburg, Rayyane Tabet. The exhibition, opening on the 6th of July, will be open in Beirut until November 22, 2006.

Moving Homes: una mostra sul nomadismo contemporaneo alla Galleria Sfeir-Semler a Beirut, dal 6 luglio>>>

Love Difference e Michelangelo Pistoletto allo Stage Europeo degli Esordi: Parma, 12-17 luglio 2006>>>
Love Difference and Michelangelo Pistoletto at the European Stage of Beginners: Parma, July 12-17 2006 >>>

On line l’intervento di Michelangelo Pistoletto alla Trento School of Management >>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto’s interview at Trento School of Management now on-line >>>

Pronto Intervento: quattro progetti artistici per la Clinica Pediatrica del Policlinico Umberto I di Roma. Dal 21 giugno al 20 luglio al Pastificio Cerere >>>
Pronto Intervento (Emergency): four artistic projects for the Clinic of the Children Hospital Umberto I in Rome. From the 21st og June to the 20th of July at Pastificio Cerere >>>

Quando l'impeto si MANIFESTA: Stefano Pasquini alla galleria 42OFF di Modena >>>
When the impetus shows itself: Stefano Pasquini at 42OFF Gallery in Modena >>>

Premio Internazionale di Pittura Mediterranea per giovani artisti a Montblanc (Spagna): termine massimo per le iscrizioni: 25 luglio 2006 >>>
International Mediterranean Painting Award for young artists in Montblanc (Spain): deadline for submission July 25 >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Artistic Movement for an InterMediterranean Politic