LDN Love Difference News #37   23-02-2006

The rise of political Islam according to Burgat, Morelli’s analysis of the conflict as a new code: reading suggestions
L’Islamisme à l’heure d’Al Qaida (Islamism at the time of Al Qaida), by François Burgat, Editions La Découverte, Paris, October 2005. François Burgat delivers here an excavated reading of Islamism. He supports its analysis on the recent events, from September 11, to the failure of the Process of Barcelona, which did not take into account this fundamental evolution of the Arab societies. This beginning of year 2006 shows us the rise of political Islam, its recent leadrship in Palestine with Hamas, already well established in the political life of Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco, and firmly increasing in Turkey. François Burgat shows us the historical evolution of political Islam. According to him, the emergence of the Moslem Brothers in 1928, was the "first stage" of Islamism, facing the colonialism. The unfinished decolonization, the rise of the "Arab Pinochets" blindly supported by the Wastern Countries represent the second stage. The toughening of the "generation Al Qaida" constitutes the third temporality. A rigorous, serious, documented analysis excluding those stereotypes and over-simplifications, stressed by the media.
Conflitto. Identità, interessi, culture (Conflict. Identity, interests, cultures) by Ugo Morelli, Meltemi Publisher, Rome, 2006. Ugo Morelli teaches Mind Sciences and Business Organization at Trento School of Management, University of Trento. In his analysis, conflict is a characterizing code of modern times and of the coming of the world civilization; it has to do with relational and local aspects of the experience, as well as with political and collective ones, on a large scale. The book stresses some variables, wich are particularly meaningful for the analysis and understanding of the conflicts: ambiguity; envy; difficulty in recognizing the fragility; the lack as a condition for a possible loss, but also as a necessity, in order to welcome differences and projects. A meaningful part of the book is dedicated to a particular form of conflict: the conflict of knowledge.

L’ascesa dell’islam politico vista da Burgat e l’analisi di Morelli del conflitto come nuovo codice contemporaneo: due novità in libreria >>>

Sabato 25 febbraio a Cittadellarte assemblea dei soci Love Difference e convegno su Cipro: ospite H. Meyric Hughes, presidente di Manifesta 2006 >>>
Saturday 25th February at Cittadellarte, Love Difference Members’ third assembly and round table on Cyprus: special guest H. Meyric Hughes, President of Manifesta 2006 >>>

Love Difference all’inaugurazione del Salone Europeo dei Giovani Artisti a Genova: il 24 febbraio a Palazzo Ducale >>>
Love Difference at the opening of the European Exhibition for Young Artists in Genoa: February 24th at Palazzo Ducale >>>

Competenze manageriali strategiche per i manager dell’arte: un corso organizzato dalla European Cultural Foundation. Iscrizioni entro il 6 marzo 2006>>>
Strategic Management Skills for Art Managers: a six-days course organised by the European Cultural Foundation. Deadline for applications: 6th March 2006 >>>

Undicesimo Premio Internazionale del Documentario e del Reportage Mediterraneo. Scadenza per l'applicazione: 15 marzo 2006 >>>
11th International Prize for Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage. Deadline for application: March, the 15th 2006 >>>

Il Maghreb dei libri, dodicesima edizione: Parigi, Hotel de Ville, 25-26 febbraio 2006 >>>
The Maghreb of the Books, 12th edition: Paris, Town Hall, February 25th - 26th, 2006>>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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