LDN Love Difference News #31   1-12-2005

International call for proposals Interferencia 2006. Deadline February 5 and May 20, 2006
Interferencia is an artistic group whose aim is the promotion and production of actions and ephemeral artistic interventions in public spaces. They understand public space as a space for permanent dialogue, opened to artistic experimentation and citizen participation. The Interferencia event will take place in different public spaces of Barcelona during July 2006 within the frame of GREC Festival.
The selection of artistic projects to take part in this event is now open. Artists or collectives of any nationality can apply for this call in one or several of the following sections of the project: projects of artistic intervention in public spaces of Barcelona; ephemeral actions (deadline for both sections: February 5 2006); “It could happen here”; audiovisual documents of interventions in public spaces (deadline for these last two sections: May 20 2006). More details on sections and documentation needed at:

Interferencia 2006: bando internazionale di partecipazione al GREC Festival di Barcellona. Scadenze: 5 febbraio e 20 maggio 2006 >>>

Mondi allo Specchio: un progetto di Associazione Mosaico e Love Difference per la Giornata Internazionale del Migrante, domenica 18 dicembre a Cittadellarte>>>
Worlds at the mirror: a project by Associazione Mosaico and Love Difference for the International Migrant’s Day, on Sunday 18 December at Cittadellarte>>>

San Salvario Mon Amour. Love Difference presenta a Art Bubbles at San Salvario le opere di Gayle Chong Kwan, Vered Dror, Victor A. Muñoz. Torino, 2-4 dicembre >>>
San Salvario Mon Amour. Love Difference presents at Art Bubbles at San Salvario works by Gayle Chong Kwan, Vered Dror, Victor A. Muñoz. Turin, 2-4 December >>>

Michelangelo Pistoletto e Cittadellarte alle Scuderie Aldobrandini del Comune di Frascati per la mostra “Arte in Giusta Misura”>>>
Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte at Scuderie Aldobrandini in Frascati for “Arte in Giusta Misura” >>>

Arte all’Arte 10: venerdì 2 dicembre presentazione dell’opera di Alberto Garutti realizzata per la chiesa di Buonconvento >>>
Arte all’Arte 10: the work by Alberto Garutti, realised for the church of Buonconvento, to be presented on Friday the 2nd of December>>>

Modernità molteplici e Salon globale: dove i mondi dell’arte si incontrano. Un simposio internazionale a Venezia, dal 9 al 12 dicembre >>>
Where art worlds meet: multiple modernities and the global salon. An international symposium in Venice, 9-12 December >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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