LDN Love Difference News #18   16-06-2005

Development and Management of Autonomous Creative Spaces in Europe: a summer course in Amsterdam. Grants available
Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University in association with Artfactories (Paris) and the Felix Meritis Foundation (Amsterdam) will run a summer course (16-20 August 2005) in management of autonomous creative spaces. Located in the Meritis Foundation Amsterdam, the course will explore places or centres of creativity, production, and experiment. They will be studied in terms of their development and sustainability as well as the compromises which have to be made by both artists and community. The course is intended for leaders of centre’s project in need of peer input and additional expertise, cultural operators, civil servants working in the cultural field, interested in artistic creativity in a micro-social context. Some grants and scholarships are available for students who wish to participate to the course but need to be presented in advance. The course is limited to 25 participants. Course fee: € 750. Sessions and lectures will be held in English. Deadline for registration : 1st July

Sviluppo e gestione di spazi creativi autonomi in Europa: un corso estivo ad Amsterdam. Borse di studio disponibili>>>

Esce la borsa Love Difference prodotta da Furla per sostenere i progetti del Movimento: in mostra da giugno, in vendita da luglio >>>
The shopping bag “Love Difference” by Furla supporting the Movement: from June on display, from July on sale >>>

Una nuova porta per Belgrado: scade il 12 settembre il termine per partecipare al concorso per giovani architetti italiani e serbi >>>
A new gate for Belgrade: a competition for young architects and engineers - deadline on the 12th of September >>>

Il Forum Sociale del Mediterraneo a Barcellona, dal 16 al 19 giugno: 280 appuntamenti per creare uno spazio pubblico di comunicazione tra le rive del Mediterraneo >>>
The Mediterranean Social Forum in Barcelona, 16-19 June: 280 events to promote a public space for communication within the Mediterranean coasts >>>

Una vela per Emergency al via alla regata 2x500 nell’Adriatico: il 17 giugno si presenta il progetto a Porto Santa Margherita >>>
A sail for Emergency at 2x500 regatta in the Adriatic Sea. The project to be presented on the 17th of June at Porto Santa Margherita - Venice >>>

Cittadellarte ospita il Cinema delle Differenze: apre la rassegna "Silence...on tourne" di Y. Chahine il 23 giugno >>>
Cittadellarte hosts the Cinema of Differences: opening with “Silence… on tourne” by Y. Chahine on the 23rd of June>>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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