LDN Love Difference News #15   05-05-2005

Lingua Madre: at Turin International Book Fair readings and music for the traditional languages and cultures
Lingua Madre is a new initiative developed jointly with the Region of Piedmont, that will bring to Turin a number of writers, most of them from outside Europe, who work on their cultural heritage in a strongly experimental and innovative way. There will be about fifty Asian, African and Latin American writers who use a new language - mostly English or French - to shed light on the relation between identity, roots and the 'other' world. They offer significant examples of the cultural interactions that are redefining the literary map of the new millennium. The project is ideally linked to that of Terra Madre, which brought in Turin 2004 Salone del Gusto (Taste Fair) almost 5.000 farmers from all over the world, presenting their products and traditional cultivation systems.
Some of these writers are already well-known and their books have been translated, some others are emerging writers and not yet known in Italy. All of them however convey a strong desire for knowledge and to pass it on to others.
They will be the leading actors at Arena Piemonte, a space which has been specifically created for them by the Piedmont Region. They will perform readings, meet with the readers and share musical and entertainment events with Italian and foreign groups.

Lingua Madre: alla Fiera del Libro di Torino reading e musica per la salvaguardia delle tradizioni culturali >>>

Love Difference e Walid Maw’ed a Sud Est Incontri Mediterranei >>>
Love Difference and Walid Maw’ed at Sud Est Incontri Mediterranei >>>

Going Public sbarca in Grecia: Love Difference a Larissa per Communities and territories >>>
Going Public in Greece: Love Difference in Larissa for Communities and Territories >>>

Madrid Abierto 2006: scade il 31 maggio il termine per presentare progetti di arte pubblica a Madrid >>>
Call for proposals: Madrid Abierto 2006. Deadline on the 31st of May to submit artistic projects >>>

Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto alla Fiera Internazionale del Libro con le presentazioni di “Sul Simbolo” e “LetteraturediSvolta” e con Love Difference al Padiglione 5 >>>
Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto at the International Book Fair in Turin: “Sul Simbolo”, “Turning point Literatures”, and Love Difference at pavilion 5>>>

Audience Europe Network: corsi AEN sull’incremento dell’audience >>>
Audiences Europe Network – AEN Masterclasses in audience development >>>

Love Difference ai fornelli: identità culturali a confronto (in cucina). Ricette dalla cafeteria di Cittadellarte - a cura di Francesco >>>
Love Difference cooking: comparing cultural identities in the kitchen. Recipes from cafeteria in Cittadellarte, by Francesco >>>

LOVE DIFFERENCE - Mediterranean Cultural Network

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