LDN Love Difference News #140   03-18-2010

Emergencies � researches and projects making a difference
Reggio Children: innovation and creativity for the childhood education

RReggio Children, the International Center for the Defense and Promotion of Children’s Rights and Potential, is a mixed public-private company that the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, along with other interested subjects, decided to establish in 1994 to manage the pedagogical and cultural exchange initiatives that had already been taking place for many years between the municipal early childhood services and a large number of teachers and researchers from all over the world. This new experience was based on an idea originally proposed by pedagogy scholar Loris Malaguzzi and carried on by a committee of local citizens and educators. Reggio Children's aims and purposes are inspired by the philosophy and values of the educational project developed and practiced in the Municipal Infant-toddler Centers and Preschools of Reggio Emilia, in order to protect and communicate the wealth of knowledge developed within this experience. The aims of Reggio Children include: to communicate a forceful idea of childhood and of children's rights, potentials, and resources, which are often unrecognized or neglected; to promote studies, research, and experimentation in education, with particular emphasis on children's active, constructive, and creative learning processes; to advance the professionalism and culture of teachers, promoting a greater awareness of the value of collegial work and of meaningful relationships with the children and their families; to highlight the value of research, observation, interpretation, and documentation of children's knowledge-building and thinking processes; to organize guided visits to educational programs, cultural initiatives, exhibitions, seminars, conferences, professional development courses on the issues of education and the culture of childhood.

Emergenze - ricerche e progetti che fanno la differenza.
Reggio Children: innovazione e creativit� per l'educazione infantile

Promemoria 5a edizione di Metodi. Scadenza iscrizioni: 9 aprile 2010 >>>
Reminder Methods 5th edition. Deadline for applications: April 9th 2010 >>>
Borse di studio per il metodo Hoffman: un gal� a Sesto San Giovanni il 27 marzo 2010 >>>
Scholarships for the Hoffman Process: a gala in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan), March 27, 2010 >>>
Il calcetto Love Difference con Radioartemobile alla fiera d�arte contemporanea MiArt: Milano, 25-27 marzo 2010 >>>
Love Difference table football with Radioartemobile at the contemporary art fair MiArt: Milan, 25-27 March 2010 >>>
Call for paper per il Forum Euro-Mediterraneo per la Diplomazia Culturale a Rodi. Termine ultimo per le domande: 5 aprile 2010 >>>
Call for paper for the Euro-Mediterranean Forum for Cultural Diplomacy in Rhodes. Deadline for applications: 5 April 2010 >>>
EPIM: nuovo invito a presentare proposte per ONG europee. Termine ultimo per le candidature: 31 marzo 2010 >>>
EPIM: new call for proposals for European NGOs. Deadline for grant applications: 31 March 2010 >>>
Facce da straniero: una mostra sull�immigrazione nella fotografia e nel fotogiornalismo. Torino, Museo di Scienze Naturali, fino al 18 maggio 2010 >>>
Foreigner faces: an exhibit on immigration in photography and photojournalism. Turin, Museum of Natural Science, until 18 May 2010 >>>